I've noticed that a lot of folks have been growing spiritually by leaps and bounds this year. My daughter, who has been claiming to be an atheist for about 17 years, has starting coming back to church AND told her pastor, "I believe". I know that's not the whole enchilada, but it's a start and I just know that now she has started her journey homeward, she will complete it. I believe that God is getting us ready for the final days ... the day when he will return for a SPOTLESS bride.
"I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people." Jude 3 Joyce
My wife and I are having our first baby (a boy) in August. We will have our 8th anniversary also in Aug., and we have never used birth control. We thought we couldn't have children, and then SURPRISE! The timing is very strange, but strange in a way that I know it's really a God thing. My wife and I have grown more spiritually in the last year than any other time in our marriage, and it has been the toughest, most stressful, most trying year so far. Go figure. I wish we could learn to grow spiritually like this during good times, but without fail God must use hard times to get our attention.
Anyway, we're naming him Ezra Joseph and I can't wait to meet him.
I thought a place to post praises would be a good idea for this forum. Post as often as you like when God does something amazing, whether it be big or small.