I think things are going to get alot worse, as christian rights being stripped more, homosexual rights promoted and extended, economy worsens- insurance industry strenghtens because of promises made to the MOB over the industry and political favors carried forth in short working class will have less healthcare for higher prices.
American citizens will have less rights than anytime in history. De-industrialization will realy progress at a warp speed. Groceries,gas,medicine,enenrgy will hyper inflate.
Yes the Koolaide drinkers will get change but it want be change they had hoped for.
Sad days ahead and especially for the history of this country.
I think he does not have sense enough to run this country let alone experience. sad,sad,sad.
I am a life long Democrat who voted for McCain. Although I may have my worries and some doubts, I will respect the Office of the President, and pray for the next four years.
As much as every bit of my being thinks that this man is not fit for the job, I believe that if you are an American, the American president is YOUR president. Are we no better that the whacko libs who did not accept Bush over Gore in 2000? We should pray for him to make right choices and also pray that though he may wish to end America as we have always known it by radically changing its very foundation (the Consitution,) that he not be able to succeed. I think this is the worst decision the American people have ever made, but I blame it on the Republicans. They gave us Bush, the most fiscally liberal president in history, and McCain the RINO Democrat in Republican's clothing. On a cheery note, maybe Obama will do things so liberal and unamerican that we the people will elect a government in 4 years that actually will uphold the Constitution with Ron Paul at the helm.
I have two comments about Obama (I refuse to claim him as my president I have too much respect for the office) ...
1. May God have mercy on the United States of America during the next four years ... seriously!
and 2. P. T. Barnum was right ... there IS a sucker born every minute (and, sadly, a wise person only about once an hour nowadays!)
"I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people." Jude 3 Joyce
What do you think our country will be like in the next few years? Do you think it will change much, stay the same, change a lot? If change, in what ways and what do you think the results of those changes will be?
A preacher in those days, when he felt God called him to preach, didn't hunt up a college or seminary, he hunted up a good horse, took off across the country and began crying "Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world"!