And YOU, my dear, are judgemental, legalistic and have no idea who I am. Bob Wise (this site's creator) and I are personal friends. He knows who I am and where I stand and that is why he has asked me to be his assistant. And I WILL NOT LET THIS BOARD BE PIRATED AWAY BY WORD OF FAITH'ERS
You call people that have FAITH in the word of God "word of faithers" as though you mean that be be curse words... you call me judgmental but you judge everyone that doesn't agree with your beliefs. I posted a testimony of my healing to the glory of God, and YOU JUDGED THAT, too, by saying I couldn't have possibly meant it the way I wrote it, AND THEN DELETED the post!! So I can't PROVE that now can I? You pick and choose what can be said, believed posted and deleted.... the same way you read the bible!! I don't care WHO you are... or anyone else. I only care that you are saved, and realize one simple truth... GOOD GOD, bad devil and do not blame the LORD for BAD things in their lives. Do I need to KNOW WHO YOU are? Did you go to Northwestern University? Do you write for medical journals? Does it really matter to the LORD? Are you so much better than I or any one else? Will your house be right next to mine or will you live in a BETTER part of Heaven? Do you believe what Jesus said to believe or what WORKS for you?