Didn't answer my question really, I know what he is and what he does but I wonder if anyone has any good strategies to alert people at one of his "crusades"?
Chris - NZ
Sorry miss understood what you realy was asking for.As far as alerting anyone at his crusades I would try to see if there is tracts about false prophets you can pass out try chick publications:
Didn't answer my question really, I know what he is and what he does but I wonder if anyone has any good strategies to alert people at one of his "crusades"?
Soon Mr. Hinn will be visiting my country, once commonly known as "godzone". My question is this; Are these men, and Hinn in particular (a) God's men who simply have differing opinions from orthodox Christianity and actually believe that what they are doing is somehow right and glorifying God? (b) men who are not Christian and who are knowingly (and shamelessly) taking advantage of peoples weak Christian testimony - (the fact that very few seem willing to weigh these ministries against the Scriptures) or (c) evil men - wolves dressed in sheeps clothing? My fear is that if any or all of the above are true, then how few "elect" might there in fact be in these "last days" if so many seem to be so easily decieved? I have friends in the faith who now attend churches where supposed gold dust and diamonds appear seemingly out of nowhere - (I have not witnessed this as such) and who sincerely support the twisting of the Scriptures that Hinn and his cohorts seem to do with ever increasing frequency.
For instance, how anyone with a concordance could be made to believe that dueteronomy 8:18 means that faith is a power we have to create wealth (by "sowing seed to a perticular ministry and so on) as opposed to God giving us health and vitality to work in order to be or to become financially free and with good fiscal management perhaps even "wealthy" - IS BEYOND ME!!!
And yet that is exactly what happens.
Where will it end? What can the righteous do to try and open peoples eyes?
As a small fish in the Lord's Church, I wonder what I can do. Sites like this are very valuable, but how can we further it's reach and influence? O dear!
You are to spiritually discern good vs evil. Many are being led astray by his false teachings.
Previous failed prophecies of Benny Hinn, made on New Year's eve of 1989:
Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31st, 1989.
"The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God."
Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31st, 1989.
"The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90's, about '94-'95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it - with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed."
Note that Benny Hinn claimed that God revealed the above prophecies to him. Now either God has erred, or Benny Hinn invented these prophecies and he never heard from God. The truth should be obvious - Benny Hinn does not hear from God, he is without doubt a false prophet.
Jer 14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart
Soon Mr. Hinn will be visiting my country, once commonly known as "godzone". My question is this; Are these men, and Hinn in particular (a) God's men who simply have differing opinions from orthodox Christianity and actually believe that what they are doing is somehow right and glorifying God? (b) men who are not Christian and who are knowingly (and shamelessly) taking advantage of peoples weak Christian testimony - (the fact that very few seem willing to weigh these ministries against the Scriptures) or (c) evil men - wolves dressed in sheeps clothing? My fear is that if any or all of the above are true, then how few "elect" might there in fact be in these "last days" if so many seem to be so easily decieved? I have friends in the faith who now attend churches where supposed gold dust and diamonds appear seemingly out of nowhere - (I have not witnessed this as such) and who sincerely support the twisting of the Scriptures that Hinn and his cohorts seem to do with ever increasing frequency.
For instance, how anyone with a concordance could be made to believe that dueteronomy 8:18 means that faith is a power we have to create wealth (by "sowing seed to a perticular ministry and so on) as opposed to God giving us health and vitality to work in order to be or to become financially free and with good fiscal management perhaps even "wealthy" - IS BEYOND ME!!!
And yet that is exactly what happens.
Where will it end? What can the righteous do to try and open peoples eyes?
As a small fish in the Lord's Church, I wonder what I can do. Sites like this are very valuable, but how can we further it's reach and influence? O dear!