It really surprizes me that Osteen would say anything that confronts sin. I looked for it on YouTube to hear it for myself, but it's not there yet. No, I'm not defending him, but this is the main thing the Christian community has against him: He tickles the ears. On the issue of whether or not people are born gay, I say it doesn't matter if they have a genetic propensity. It's still sin. I think we all have a genetic propensity towards sin, it's called a sin nature. Some people are born into families of alcoholics. This increases their chances of becoming one themselves. Does this make drunkenness okay because they were "born that way?" Of course not. We all have different weaknesses we struggle with, and homosexuals are no exception.
Welcome, Mr. Piano ~~ We're always glad to hear from new people. However, for the most part we try to keep a Christian perspective. We might call people "false prophets (or profits)" but we try to avoid names such as "greasy haired weasel." Osteen has obviously dug himself a new hole by trying to avoid offending homosexuals while making a statement that, personally, I would have found VERY offensive if I were homosexual. "Gays are not God's best work" implies that homosexuality IS genetic which has lately been argued by many scientists to be a false premise. Gays, as all of God's creation, are perfect creations of God (although born with original sin and a tendency to sin) ... exactly as God intended each one to be. However, those perfect creations (all of us) have been scarred by Adam's fall. We ALL fail to remain perfect because we CHOOSE sin over righteousness until we meet Jesus (and, sadly, often even AFTER we meet Him.) As for a 40-year-old man calling his father "Daddy" ... I'm a 56-year-old woman who never called her father anything but "Dad" ... UNTIL he passed away. Now, 20 years later, I call him, "My daddy." If you still have your father, someday you may understand that it's a term of endearment and has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Beyond that is the fact that Osteen is a Texan and, as in the rest of the south, "Daddy" is commonly used to refer to the paterfamilias in that culture.
-- Edited by wordworker at 01:40, 2007-11-25
"I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people." Jude 3 Joyce
Yesterday, Nov 23rd, on Wolf Blitzer's CNN "The Situation Room" Joel Osteen stated not once...but twice...that "Gay's are NOT some of God's best work."
Who is Joel Osteen to judge the work of God? Whether someone is gay, bi or srtaight is NOT the issue. In the past year of watching Joel's program I always thought it very strange that a man in his 40's would refer to his Dad as "Daddy." Now...I believe he is hiding his sexuality by condeming others. "Fox Is The Finder."
It's time that someone slap the greasy-haired little weasal down to size. To question the work of me...that must mean that Joel thinks he IS God...also. Only Sataan challenges God's work. Hope this blog will be forwarded to many.