I differ with you "The Saint" as a former practitioner of witchcraft and it's beliefs, you give the people of God a reason to COMPROMISE. What would Jesus do in this instance. Would he condone a practice that is STILL today a time to sacrifice little infants to lucifer on "All Hallows Eve"....The evil satan has blinded the minds of christians EVERYwhere with his sinister sleights of hand and merriment. You think it's innocent to "dress up and give out candy.." but what lucifer does is let christians keep playing church, and put on little "alternatives" on that day, while none of the churches are up at 3am and 4am fasting for a month to tear down the Christian Banner of Jehovah Nissi in the minds and hearts of believers every where... The Satanists are militaristic and organized, sinister, and in rank. Why is there no revival in the United States? How can they get a demon possessed boy to go into a church in Colorado, RIGHT AFTER CHURCH SERVICE, when they are praising Jesus, and supposedly worship God Almighty, to THEN KILL two of God's children and then cause the demonized boy to BLOW his own head off (because when satan is finished doing his work he has no more need for the vessel, he just destroys it and brings the soul to hell, IN AND INSTANT!) just like it was nothing? Because of senseless statements like you are making. Halloween is a SET UP and a very workable agenda against the Christians who SLEEP and PLAY and think, "Aww, it's harmless." or " It's for the kids, what about the kids?" What about the Kids...your kids are looking at demonic cartoons every saturday, and having sex at 11 years old, and doubling the STDs rate, killing their parents, and grow up to VOTE for the ANT-Christian President, ONE is FOR ABORTION and the other is a MUSLIM practicioner...all this because you think stuff like Halloween is ...HARMLESS...WHY because to Satan...the UNITED STATES Christian has no power, no True Devotion to their God, and NO THREAT to his darkness....WISE UP Christian....What Demon will Kill your YOUTH next?
I beg to differ, as we, in our Church, (Youth Pastor and I), did research on Halloween. What you deem to call harmless is out of context for its real reason its here.
Just as we celebrate the birth of Christ, Satan also brought about his own special day of celebrating his figures of importance.
This is why, our area Churches work to turn the celebrastion around to Glorifying God, not Satan. And in older times, the "trick or treat" was acted out and not very kindly I might add, which is part of that ritual of celebration.
Remember, God declares Satan is an imitator of Him, even appearing at times as an "Angel of Light".
Is a Satanist saved because they have a Christmas tree and give gifts? Obviously not. Neither is a Christian condemned for participating in an empty holiday like Halloween. I don't believe that we should glorify blood, guts, and the occult, but dressing up and gathering candy is harmless. Christianity is not some superstition and it will not be threatened by Halloween.
Actually I do take my little boy around our small, and I mean small town to get candy. He always says thank you and is real polite. At our house, we hand out candy and bible tracts as treats. The kids have to take a Bible tract or they cannot have any candy. This is our small way of at least putting a little of the Word in their hands. We DO NOT have scary decorations or anything of that sort tho.
A preacher in those days, when he felt God called him to preach, didn't hunt up a college or seminary, he hunted up a good horse, took off across the country and began crying "Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world"!
Yes, our area celebrates Halloween, but quite different than most. Between the towns and rural Churches, they all supply an evening of some kind of games, teachings on Christ and a Biblical Costume type evening, where they can come to the Churches and edify Christ while recieving thier treats.
The kids have fun with the games and recieving candy, plus they learn something more about God and Christ, besides the parents feeling safer with thier kids not out running around or needing to take them door to door now.
Our area sees enough negative going on, without adding to that by going along with a Satanic celebration.
Do you hand out treats? Do you let your kids celebrate? Do you have an alternative? And to the above questions, why or why not?
"I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people." Jude 3 Joyce