I agree with the caution Bob. I am willing to try the home church as long as Christ is it's head and all are allowed to minister. I also think being as those in Berea were has to be common place. Searching the word daily and comparing that with those who minister to remain in the truth.
This subject is a really good topic for discussion. I in the past attended a couple really good house churches. I say good in that the both kept to Scripture and did not stray from it as far as teachings went. The downside of the house churches I used to attend is that both the men who started them had a goal in mind that I was not comfortable with. Both the men had dreams of starting a Church in a church building and then being the Pastor of that church. Now nothing is wrong with that IF the motives are right. Meaning, if you are led by the Lord to do so, then by all means follow His direction. Unfotunatley, both these men had visions of grandour in that they began to ask for salaries while still holding a home church and they began to exhibit attitudes becoming a haughty or better than thou person. Neither of these house churches lasted over a couple years and neither went on to become a church. So, I guess I would say that IF one could conduct themselves as the beginning house churches did, then it would work. The problem we have in today's society is that pride, greed and selfishness are very prevalent. Just make sure the motives, ambition and direction are led by the Lord. You must be a servant not just expect to be served.
-- Edited by bobw at 12:42, 2007-10-24
-- Edited by bobw at 12:43, 2007-10-24
A preacher in those days, when he felt God called him to preach, didn't hunt up a college or seminary, he hunted up a good horse, took off across the country and began crying "Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world"!
Saint, You can find house church resources and information at several good websites including www.letthelightout.com One thing about house churches in general, they are usually "organized" with a heavy emphasis on the priesthood of all believers. That doesn't mean we don't have to be careful about doctrine ... but I think attending a denominational or institutional church has caused many of us to let our guards down concerning accepting the doctrines of a denomination or organization or even a pastor without actually learning about it and confirming it through God's Word for ourselves. I also believe that a lot of us mistake traditions for doctrine and we need to remember that, except for the core issues covered by the teachings of the Apostles (Jesus Christ, Son of God, God of God, born of a virgin, crucified, dead and buried and raised again to conquer sin and death and His ultimate return) everything else is up for grabs ... we can study and believe as God leads us and someone else may come to different conclusions ... yet we can have unity as members of the Family of God by agreement on the core beliefs. Sojourner ... I am very familiar with the PH churches I have, in the past, attended PH as well as Assembly of God, Nazarene, Methodist and several others . But I never experienced the blessings and peace that I have had since breaking away and forming our own (rudimentary at this time) House Church. In reality to gain some idea of how many people seem to be hearing the call to "come out from among them and be ye separate," simply type in HOUSE CHURCH, HOME CHURCH, SIMPLE CHURCH or ORGANIC CHURCH in the search line and search it out. I believe it may be a move of God to create a "spotless bride" ready for His return.
-- Edited by wordworker at 19:12, 2007-10-20
"I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people." Jude 3 Joyce
Joyce- I would vote in your poll if you had the choice, "Have never attended one, but would if I had the chance." I have never heard of a house church in the U.S. I used to have a Bible study at a co-worker's house that was not part of any organized church and it was one of the best experiences of my Christian life. However, I think that house churches might be in danger of doctrinal error. Not to say that "organized" churches are not, but at least for the most part pastors tend to have had some sort of training. This does not mean that I am against house churches, just that my guard would be up to begin with. In "mainstream" churches, a person generally knows what the church believes before they ever go in. Not so with a house church. Sojourner- What is P H ?
To be honest Joyce over the last several months I have done more prospecting (in the Word) for truth than at any time in my life. Here is why.
At the age of 50 God got my attention with Samuel and Saul. Saul had disobeyed God by not completely wiping out the Amalekites and Samuel would not stand by him and pointed out why, actually seemed to me as though Samuel got in his face with it. I had been doing a study on obedience wishing to understand it from God's point of view. Anyway, I was in my back yard one afternoon thinking about this when the Holy Spirit placed this question into my mind:
"Who are you to me?"
"I am someone you love so much that you sent Jesus to die for."
"No, I mean, if Samuel my prophet would not stand next to a king I chose because of that kings disobedience to me, who are you to me?"
At this I'm like, I was just reading that. The thoughts of my life quickly went through my head and I had to answer, "no one". I mean I am no Samuel nor Saul, both men who had God's direct annointing. Talk about humbling me. I had asked God for years to be real to me and in this time with Him he made it clear to me that; it was not He who needed to be real, it was me who needed to be real to Him. At the end He said, "now you understand obedience, grace and WHO I AM." I have not been the same since. I have since sought the Lord to grant me wisdom, knowledge, discernment and understanding to know His truth from His Word. The Lord has been my teacher on several topics and lead me to a few websites good websites.
I grew up PH but in many ways have always had problems with some of our teachings but could never put my finger on it which is my fault for not being as the Bereans were to Paul. I have come to believe that many believers simply fill pews deceiving themselves as to what salvation actually means. There are many other teachings believers have taken their Pastors, or "those great men of God's" word for and never checked their word through His Word, I had not. God placed a hunger which is like an addiction (good one) within me. I wake wanting to be taught and go to bed the same. Not only for knowledge so "I" know the rock upon which I stand, but to know my Lord.
I still attend the church PH I grew up in, although it has had many changes. I am at a point where I don't know if God wants me to stay and use me to be a watchman to them or leave and do something else. To be honest it doesn't matter as long as what I do is what He directs.
Have you noticed how many believers are leaving institutional churches to start a (or attend an already established) church commonly called a house, simple, New Testament or organic church? It does seem that institutional churches have left their first love and have settled for either mediocrity(the lukewarmness of Laodicea) or showmanship (Sardis) or money (Pergamum). Ever since the early move toward house churches in the 1970s (that faded but not entirely) hubby and I have felt drawn to house churches but have always been afraid to leave the mainstream. After 30 years of being kicked around by various denominations, we've finally decided to be obedient and begin a house church. Are there other readers of this forum who are "organic Christians" or feel called or attracted to "organic worship"?
"I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people." Jude 3 Joyce