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No New Posts FWM Needs a Helper.
Some of you may know, others not, but I have been really busy keeping up with all I am doing.  Until last week, I was not only the admin of this Internet Ministry but also was the Circulation Manager for a daily newspaper along with fill-in preaching, singing for churches, funeral, weddings, etc. AND de...
bobw 2 1048
No New Posts Thank You - One & All
I wish to thank each of you for using this forum.  I prayed about it for a long time using only my own thoughts and wishes as guidelines.  Then one day, I heard the Lord telling me to put the forum up and quit fretting about it.  I ask the Lord what if no one used it....would the entire site look stupid.  HE tol...
bobw 2 1866
No New Posts Let's Get Unified As a Body
 It is sad when one minister decides to speak against another when the body of Christ is already so fragmented.  I have been to some of the Copeland's meetings and to be honest, when you get involved with them, you feel like you know them. Of course, they have been in ministry for 40 years and they wil...
love 4 1270
No New Posts I don't agree with you.
I don't agree with you, I signed up just to tell you that. I believe in Jesus, as my Lord and Savior. I believe in the Holy Ghost and speaking in Tongues. I've seen God work. I've been on mission trips to Mardi Gras. God, does work through the supernatural. I've seen it, and you can't change my mind. God bles...
rj 3 1138
No New Posts Do you have a real personal relationship with Jesus?
We are living in some really rough times where demonic spirits are attacking Christians and unbelievers as well. But as Christians, we have Jesus Christ! We are living in a time where many false prophets are rising up and we must be very very careful who we choose to be our Spiritual leaders. Having a pe...
Beulah 1 1368
No New Posts Exercise of the day ... jumping to conclusions
Once again, Christians have been skewered by the mainstream (read that far-left) media and others (including some Christians) have gotten their daily exercise by  jumping on the bandwagon and leaping to conclusions. It seems that High Point Church of Arlington, TX has REFUSED THE FUNERAL OF A GAY...
wordworker 1 1059
No New Posts Armstrongism
I'm glad to see your cult list and the mention of Armstongism on that list. However I think it's important to note that the Worldwide Church of God no longer subscribes to Armstrongism at all. In fact, the WCG is now a recognized Evangelical Church since God worked a mighty miracle within the organizat...
wordworker 1 1084
Topic is Closed WELCOME (closed)
Welcome to the Forgotten Word Message/Blog Forum.  You are welcome to discuss anything here that pertains to the Gospel or to the subjects surrounding the Gospel and teachers/teachings. Please do not use profanity or your comments will be deleted.  We urge you to use this forum as often as possib...
bobw 1 1851
No New Posts I must respectfully disagree
All, I LOVE THIS WEBSITE! I agree with 99% of what is written about these so-called men and women of God. The church today is infested with such teachers and they need to repent for leading God's people astray!!!! There was one portion of the comments on Joel Olsteen that vexed my spirit though. Joe...
briandalegm 1 1412
Topic is Closed Diane Dew ? (closed)
Is anyone familiar with Diane Dew or her ministry?
bobw 0 2019
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