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Topic Started By Replies Views Rating Last Post
No New Posts Question about the ads at top of forum page
I was wondering if the ads that are always on the top of the forum page bothers anyone?  I can eliminate them by purchasing the ad free version.  Let me know what you all think. 
bobw 5 755
No New Posts Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
In Loving Memory Of Bonnie Parker, Im writing this in regards to the letter written to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland located at  I wrote the letter with hopes of  someone passing it along to the  Copelands.  Comments the letter has brought  is overwhelming.  My heart go...
kbeach 3 762
No New Posts LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away ... Will things Change?
With the passing of Gordon B. Hinckley do you think the LDS will change it's focus in any way or remain the same?  There is an article on the website that you might find interesting which is about his life and death. -- Edited by bobw at 19:08, 2008-01-29
bobw 0 565
No New Posts Should a Christian vote for someone who approves of gays abortion etc?
Will we be partaking in another mans sin if we do vote for them? They will pass laws approving abortions gay rights etc.
kennyt 2 719
No New Posts Can a Pagan Practice be Christianized?
The homepage of this site is carrying a new article by Marsha West by the above title. I agree Yoga is a pagan practice and should NOT be practiced by Christians ... if we truly believe that Satan is like "a mighty lion going about the earth seeking whom he may devour" then why should we believe...
wordworker 10 778
No New Posts Prayer need
For months I have been unable to find good, permanent, full time work. Although I've had several interviews I've yet to break through that final barrier to "you're hired!" Today I was called by two separate potential employers to set up phone interviews during next week. Please pray tha...
wordworker 4 614
No New Posts Bringing worldly stuff into the church
Can you watch this video of a well known "teleevangelist" and give me your opinion. I am totally shocked but mostly at what the church audience does at the end.  
kennyt 10 1249
marlon8289 1 730
No New Posts Listen To No Man
The experience I had to become a Christian was a overnight experience and I laid in bed and admitted to the Lord I did not want to be in control of my life anymore, that I wanted to give control of my life to him. I said I don't know how to pray but I believe you lived, was crucified and rose from the grave on the...
Secondson 1 646
No New Posts Ray Stedman...
I found a website on this guy and although he has passed on there are quiet a bit of topics he had many interesting thoughts on. Check him out when you get time and let me know what you guys think.
Sojourner 2 603
No New Posts Who do you say I am ?
When I was 20 yrs old the devil appeared to me. He was half man and half horse. I freaked, but a week later he appeared again and this time he spoke to me. He told me the world was his and he could do whatever he wanted with it and he would give it all to me if I would follow him. A week later my girlfriend became pos...
Secondson 11 751
No New Posts Hillary Clinton
What is the opinion of this forum on Hillary and on the subject of women in leadership positions as President?
kennyt 7 622
No New Posts What did you Celebrate Most This Christmas?
I was thinking about this Christmas Eve and wondered what most people were thinking about on Christmas morning.  Was it Christ or the kids opening the presents or a balance of both? My family first thing Christmas morning, got together and I read the Christmas story from the Bible and we discussed it a...
bobw 6 616
Topic is Closed government investigations (closed)
Okay. We all know that most of those who participate in this site agree about the questionable "spiritual standing" of Word of Faith preachers ... but how do you feel about the government coming in and starting "investigations" into these ministries' doings? While I agree th...
wordworker 3 597
Topic is Closed Questions: (closed)
I was wondering who appointed Mr. Wise, or what is driving Mr. Wise to defame and slander other children of God. And who told him what he is doing is Biblical?
frozenchoseninak 4 676
No New Posts why not vote your pocketbook?
Great site i am glad to have stumbled on! my topic is as follows ; I have read from dr. wise and several other preachers evangelists etc; DON'T VOTE YOURE POCKETBOOK! meaning vote republican on conservative issues and deal with the fact you will not agree with them on economics. I dont want an argument,...
buddy 8 701
No New Posts More ?? about Christmas
As I sit beside my Christmas tree, watching the beautiful twinkling lights and listening to Christmas music, I wonder again about how ... or whether ... Christmas should be celebrated. The Apostles and early church didn't celebrate it ... so the questions I have seem quite natural to me ... I've had d...
wordworker 0 644
No New Posts Anointing mumbo jumbo...
Have you guys ever studied what God's Word actually teaches concerning our anointing? I am just about finished studing it compared to what some "great" men of god(yep i did the small g cause they don't preach the gospel of my God) teach. My curiosity was peaked a few weeks back when my own p...
Sojourner 9 862
No New Posts Eternal Security - Once Saved Always Saved?
I get a lot of emails concerning this topic.  What are your opinions concerning Once Saved Always Saved?  Can a person lose their salvation by turning away from God/Jesus and turning to a life of constant sin and apostasy against the Lord? -- Edited by bobw at 22:28, 2007-03-30
bobw 9 1226
No New Posts Touch not my annointed?
Why do so many people not understand the verse "Touch not my annointed?  What do you think?
bobw 7 1390
No New Posts Merry Christmas
We all know that fewer and fewer businesses are acknowledging Christ in Christmas, wishing us all, instead "happy holidays" or such like. Two questions for you: How do you or do you say anything to correct this (for instance do you reply, "and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, too."?) S...
wordworker 2 599
Topic is Closed Mr. Wise : A Modern Day Pharisee? Matt. 12:36 You Judged UrSelf! (closed)
I have just read your unholy tirade on a Man of God who YOU claim to be a false prophet.  Never mind who the person is...let's just as you this?  Who really is the False prophet?If you believe so much in your principles of God, please tell me where it says to BASH another christian, and when did God TELL YOU d...
DjBiblical 30 24324
No New Posts Halloween
Do you hand out treats? Do you let your kids celebrate? Do you have an alternative? And to the above questions, why or why not?
wordworker 6 769
No New Posts Who is right?
I have been reading alot on who is wrong.  Hinn, Copeland, Dollar, Roberts and the lot.  Who is doing it right?  Who has "the clue"?  If someone asked me where to steer them, what direction do I point them?  Some people are shut ins and all they have is the TV to help them to worship.  What about...
Buffi 5 678
Poll Voters Poll
Regardless of how you answered the poll, who do you honestly think will be the next U.S. President and do you agree that it is the right winner for the Nation as a whole?
bobw 20 861
No New Posts Mike Murdoch
I'm new here.  You probably hear that alot.  I'm interested to know your views on Mike Murdoch.  To me he's nothing but a "glorified" car salesman.  Thank you for this website.
Buffi 1 831
No New Posts Joel Osteen
Yesterday, Nov 23rd, on Wolf Blitzer's CNN "The Situation Room" Joel Osteen stated not once...but twice...that "Gay's are NOT some of God's best work." Who is Joel Osteen to judge the work of God?  Whether someone is gay, bi or srtaight is NOT the issue.  In the past year of wat...
Mr Piano 2 1679
No New Posts Pat Robertson
     To start things off, let me first say that I wholeheartedly support the spirit of this website ministry.  I applaud you, Bob, for bringing heresy to light perpetuated by "wolves in sheep's clothing."  There are plenty of them out there and their doctrine should be critiqued.      Ho...
The Saint 7 746
No New Posts prayer
I'm not going to ask for replies to this post. I'm posting simply to start everyone here thinking. I was remembering something I heard a Christian comedian say one time and it really started me thinking. I can't quote him exactly but it went something like this, There are two types of prayer in the avera...
wordworker 1 611
No New Posts Thanksgiving and Christmas
How do you celebrate the two and how do you make Christ a reality in your celebrations? Personally I find it offensive that most stores have almost stopped promoting the "Holiday of Gratitude" by earlier and earlier promotion of the "Holiday of Greed." How do you feel about tha...
wordworker 2 610
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